
🔵 High Rewards

Our carefully designed reward system is made up by several incentives, protocol derived rewards for our users, revenue share for $EOB holders and rewards assigned weekly and monthly depending on leaderboard position.

🔵 Fund are Safu

Deposit code is generated and kept client-side, SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) is applied and stored in protocol contract, only the user with the initial code will be able to claim that deposit.

🔵 Multichain

Our BETA is initially available from ETH , ARB, BSC and BASE, more chains will be available once the product is finished.

🔵 Accesibility

Our responsive Dapp can be accesed from any mobile or browser, and to claim a deposit you don't even have to connect your wallet.

🔵 Simplicity

Clean, user-friendly and guided UI, team has put a meaningful effort in order to design a Dapp that can be easily understood by any user, old and newcomers.

Last updated